miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Proud of my places


Dear diary,

As I said before I am one of those privileged that can stay at home without any worries. One of the main reason for that is my university, EAFIT that is an example of responsibility and organization during crisis times. I feel sad because obviously, I want to go outside and do whatever, but at least I can study from home. I think the process of learning changed completely but I am glad that I have the backup of my university. EAFIT as a university has a huge role for the society just for the fact of being one of the centers for learning processes. I remember when I received the mail that cancelled all our classes for one week, normally you think “oh great I don’t have class for one week”, but then I release that life is giving us a lesson because right now I would love to stay in a classroom seeing people or just receiving a lecture. EAFIT was very responsible with us, and is still being responsible and putting all the effort through the professors that give us class every day. In addition, I have to point out how human my university is, allowing students with problems to borrow computers and receive class, or even promoting events in order to support students with any kind of problem, from economic to psychological. I don’t like the virtual classes, but I’m conscious of the effort that my university and my professors are putting in the process, and just for that corresponds me to put my part too. Sometimes I think that I am having a hard time, and well I am not happy at all, but then I think that my university is giving me all the guarantees even on the distance, is very well organized, and gave us great advices in terms of well behavior. EAFIT can be a great example of organization in comparison with other universities, gave us all the tools that we need, give us responsible advices that are in the same line with the governmental policies, and finally, made me think that I made the right decision choosing the institution that gives me knowledge. 

Biblioteca Central Universidad Eafit / Juan Forero Arquitectos ...
Now, let’s have a bigger picture on my country Colombia. Colombia is one of those countries not very affected by the virus, but I think the government within on what is capable of, made the right choices. I am worried for that people that is suffering and as I said in one of my posts, that living for them depends on going outside. But let’s look to the policies, right now they are very simple, just trying to stay at home and get what is necessary for living, and now I am glad to see that Colombian people can be very solidary. Many people complain, because of course that is the main thing that you do when doing nothing. That’s why I have to give the point to the government, and I mean the regional and the national. First, I think all regional governments are aligned in the same line trying to stop the situation. Second, believe it or not the country is already prepared for a worst situation than the one that we are living today, I think it took the right choices because running a country is not as simple as saying “close everything now”. And personally I think this is one of those countries accustomed to crisis, so I have faith.  Finally, I think that the government is still doing a good job, provide us with information every day, and give us the proper recommendations (another thing is that people do not comply), but in general terms we always can be worst. The situation is not perfect but just look to our neighbors and then to us, and then understand that this country is still moving and working to prevent worse scenarios.

MinSalud fija presupuestos máximos para que las EPS garanticen la ...

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